Results for 'V. Eduardo Devâes'

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  1.  96
    Reply to Comments of Steuernagel on the Afshar’s Experiment.Eduardo V. Flores - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (8):778-781.
    We respond to criticism of our paper “Paradox in Wave-Particle Duality for Non-Perturbative Measurements”. We disagree with Steuernagel’s derivation of the visibility of the Afshar experiment. To calculate the fringe visibility, Steuernagel utilizes two different experimental situations, i.e. the wire grid in the pattern minima and in the pattern maxima. In our assessment, this procedure cannot lead to the correct result for the complementarity properties of a wave-particle in one particular experimental set-up.
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  2.  21
    Not Expressivist Enough: Normative Disagreement about Belief Attribution.Eduardo P.\'Erez-Navarr, V.\'Ictor Fern\'And Castro, Javier Gonz\'ale Prado & Manuel Heras-Escribano - 2019 - Res Philosophica 96 (4):409-430.
    The expressivist account of knowledge attributions, while claiming that these attributions are nonfactual, also typically holds that they retain a factual component. This factual component involves the attribution of a belief. The aim of this work is to show that considerations analogous to those motivating an expressivist account of knowledge attributions can be applied to belief attributions. As a consequence, we claim that expressivists should not treat the so-called factual component as such. The phenomenon we focus on to claim that (...)
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    Testing the underlying structure of unfounded beliefs about COVID-19 around the world.Paweł Brzóska, Magdalena Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Jarosław Piotrowski, Bartłomiej Nowak, Peter K. Jonason, Constantine Sedikides, Mladen Adamovic, Kokou A. Atitsogbe, Oli Ahmed, Uzma Azam, Sergiu Bălțătescu, Konstantin Bochaver, Aidos Bolatov, Mario Bonato, Victor Counted, Trawin Chaleeraktrakoon, Jano Ramos-Diaz, Sonya Dragova-Koleva, Walaa Labib M. Eldesoki, Carla Sofia Esteves, Valdiney V. Gouveia, Pablo Perez de Leon, Dzintra Iliško, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu, Fanli Jia, Veljko Jovanović, Tomislav Jukić, Narine Khachatryan, Monika Kovacs, Uri Lifshin, Aitor Larzabal Fernandez, Kadi Liik, Sadia Malik, Chanki Moon, Stephan Muehlbacher, Reza Najafi, Emre Oruç, Joonha Park, Iva Poláčková Šolcová, Rahkman Ardi, Ognjen Ridic, Goran Ridic, Yadgar Ismail Said, Andrej Starc, Delia Stefenel, Kiều Thị Thanh Trà, Habib Tiliouine, Robert Tomšik, Jorge Torres-Marin, Charles S. Umeh, Eduardo Wills-Herrera, Anna Wlodarczyk, Zahir Vally & Illia Yahiiaiev - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (2):301-326.
    Unfounded—conspiracy and health—beliefs about COVID-19 have accompanied the pandemic worldwide. Here, we examined cross-nationally the structure and correlates of these beliefs with an 8-item scale, using a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis. We obtained a two-factor model of unfounded (conspiracy and health) beliefs with good internal structure (average CFI = 0.98, RMSEA = 0.05, SRMR = 0.04), but a high correlation between the two factors (average latent factor correlation = 0.57). This model was replicable across 50 countries (total N = 13,579), (...)
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  4. Capturing naive validity in the Cut-free approach.Eduardo Barrio, Lucas Rosenblatt & Diego Tajer - 2016 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 3):707-723.
    Rejecting the Cut rule has been proposed as a strategy to avoid both the usual semantic paradoxes and the so-called v-Curry paradox. In this paper we consider if a Cut-free theory is capable of accurately representing its own notion of validity. We claim that the standard rules governing the validity predicate are too weak for this purpose and we show that although it is possible to strengthen these rules, the most obvious way of doing so brings with it a serious (...)
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  5.  10
    Effecting “V”.Eduardo Duarte - 2002 - Philosophy of Education 58:184-187.
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    Properties of Community.Eduardo M. Peñalver & Gregory S. Alexander - 2009 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 10 (1):127-160.
    The relationship between individuals and communities — all manner of communities, but especially the state — is a central preoccupation of property theory. Even though the relationship between individuals and community stands at the conceptual center of property theory, the theories of community underlying discussions of property are frequently left implicit. The dominant approaches to property in Anglophone scholarship, utilitarian and classical liberal theories, treat communities as agglomerations of individuals. Moreover, they eschew substantive accounts of justice, favoring what Charles Taylor (...)
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  7.  4
    A árvore platônica das Formas: uma visão comparativa das concepções das Formas na República (V-VII) e no Sofista.Nazareno Eduardo de Almeida - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (2).
    O intento deste ensaio é mostrar que o diálogo Sofista nos apresenta a concepção madura das Formas na filosofia de Platão. Essa concepção difere em vários aspectos importantes da concepção inicial das Formas presente nos chamados diálogos médios, em especial nos Livros V-VII da República. Para tanto, minha estratégia retórica e argumentativa consiste em contrastar a imagem da linha segmentada explicitamente proposta por Platão na República como símbolo dessa concepção inicial com a imagem da árvore das Formas enquanto imagem simbólica (...)
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  8.  25
    On the Logic of Theory Change : Extending the AGM Model.Eduardo Fermé - 2011 - Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
    This thesis consists in six articles and a comprehensive summary. • The pourpose of the summary is to introduce the AGM theory of belief change and to exemplify the diversity and significance of the research that has been inspired by the AGM article in the last 25 years. The research areas associated with AGM was divided in three parts: criticisms, where we discussed some of the more common criticisms of AGM. Extensions where the most common extensions and variations of AGM (...)
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  9. Energy sovereignty: a values-based conceptual analysis.Cristian Timmermann & Eduardo Noboa - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (6):54.
    Achieving energy sovereignty is increasingly gaining prominence as a goal in energy politics. The aim of this paper is to provide a conceptual analysis of this principle from an ethics and social justice perspective. We rely on the literature on food sovereignty to identify through a comparative analysis the elements energy sovereignty will most likely demand and thereafter distinguish the unique constituencies of the energy sector. The idea of energy sovereignty embraces a series of values, among which we identified: (i) (...)
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  10.  56
    Historia del pensamiento cubano.Eduardo Torres-Cuevas (ed.) - 2004 - La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.
    v. 1. Formación y liberación del pensamiento cubano (1515-1860). t. 1. Orígenes y formación del pensamiento cubano -- t. 2. Del liberalismo esclavista al liberalismo abolicionista.
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    Cinco siglos de un debate: rebelión y reforma frente a revolución en las Comunidades de Castilla en su V Centenario.Salvador Rus Rufino & Eduardo Fernández García - 2021 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 21:3-16.
    Las Comunidades de Castilla, como movimiento social y político, pueden caracterizarse como una tentativa de renovación de la monarquía carolina como forma de gobierno. El creciente conocimiento sobre la circulación de ideas políticas que informaron el corpus doctrinal comunero permite precisar conceptual y terminológicamente un debate revisitado con frecuencia sobre la naturaleza revolucionaria o no de tal proceso. Acudir a los textos de los principales sustentadores teóricos de las Comunidades, tanto como a los documentos de sus reivindicaciones, y no solo (...)
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  12. Metáforas del pensamiento en Peirce.Eduardo Dib - 2015 - In Hugo Aguilar & Marisa Moyano, Sentido y performatividad V - La norma social como matriz ideológica del poder. Ediciones Cántaro de Piedra ISBN 978-987-46031-2-8. pp. 311-324.
    Las «metáforas», «analogías» o «alegorías» tienen un lugar bien ganado en la tradición filosófica. Han sido atacadas por dar lugar a una interpretación poco rigurosa de las nociones que describen, pues permite asociarles propiedades que originalmente no se había pensado (ni resulta deseable) que formen parte de su concepto. Sin embargo, a pesar del reclamo en favor de procedimientos estrictos de definición, el uso de una imagen apropiada suele ser el mejor modo de explicar esas cuestiones que cada siglo escapan (...)
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  13.  14
    Fenomenologia Crítica e Feminista.Eduardo Marandola Jr - 2023 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (27):239-249.
    A Fenomenologia tem sido repensada nas últimas décadas a partir do trabalho de autoras feministas que têm promovido uma renovação das perspectivas fenomenológicas a partir de diferentes situacionalidades, atravessamentos e de um forte criticismo. O texto, como um ensaio, vislumbra tais possibilidades a partir de uma leitura do livro “50 Concepts for a Critical Phenomenology”, editado por Gail Weiss, Ann V. Murphy e Gayle Salamon. O objetivo é problematizar as potencialidades abertas para a Fenomenologia a partir de uma perspectiva Crítica (...)
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    Um departamento francês de ultramar: estudos sobre a formação da cultura filosófica uspiana: uma experiência nos anos 60.Paulo Eduardo Arantes - 1994 - São Paulo, SP: Paz e Terra.
    Mezcla de ensayo, comentario y memoria, recoge trabajos orgánicamente ensamblados sobre la acción de profesores franceses en la enseñanza de la filosofía en São Paulo durante la década de los años 60. Se destaca la obra de autores brasileños como Bento Padro Jr., Oswaldo Porchat, José Arthur Giannotti y Ruy Fausto. Un capítulo se dedica al historiador de la filosofía en Brasil, Joao Cruz Costa"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.
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  15.  16
    Avatars de Raphaël Hythlodée, ou l'influence de l' Utopie de Thomas More dans le roman portugais contemporain.José Eduardo Reis - 2018 - Moreana 55 (1):61-78.
    L'histoire de la réception littéraire de l'Utopie de Thomas More au Portugal a été une histoire d'omissions, de censures et de traductions différées qui met en évidence un défaut dans le système culturel portugais. En effet, il est quelque peu ironique qu'une œuvre aussi représentative de la littérature et de la pensée occidentale, historiquement associée à l'ouverture des horizons géographiques du monde, et qui attribue au personnage d'un marin lusitanien, Raphaël Hythlodée, la découverte d'un lieu idéal, n'a été traduite en (...)
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  16. Inner-Model Reflection Principles.Neil Barton, Andrés Eduardo Caicedo, Gunter Fuchs, Joel David Hamkins, Jonas Reitz & Ralf Schindler - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (3):573-595.
    We introduce and consider the inner-model reflection principle, which asserts that whenever a statement \varphi(a) in the first-order language of set theory is true in the set-theoretic universe V, then it is also true in a proper inner model W \subset A. A stronger principle, the ground-model reflection principle, asserts that any such \varphi(a) true in V is also true in some non-trivial ground model of the universe with respect to set forcing. These principles each express a form of width (...)
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  17.  34
    El significado de la prosopopeya de las Leyes en el "Critón" de Platon.Eduardo Esteban Magoja - 2015 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 32 (1):11-39.
    El objeto de este trabajo es realizar un estudio iusfilosófico sobre la aparición de las Leyes (nómoi) personificadas de Atenas en el Critón de Platón. La prosopopeya de las Leyes resulta ser un aspecto central para poder comprender la obra, ya que éstas entablan un diálogo imaginario con Sócrates en el cual instalan diversos argumentos filosóficos para fundamentar la autoridad de la pólis. A los fines de identificar el valor argumentativo de este recurso en la obra, analizaré el significado del (...)
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  18.  54
    Policentrismo versus soberanía. Los nuevos órdenes normativos.José Eduardo Faria - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:295-309.
    Th e a r ticl e e xplore s h o w globalizatio n i s assumin g a pr o g ress i v e emptyin g o f the s o v ereignt y o f natio n state s i n economic , political , institutional , social , cultura l an d l e gal aspects . Th e traditiona l l e ga l institution s ar e increasing ly g i vin g ris e (...)
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  19.  18
    Entrando no teatro das Formas.Nazareno Eduardo de Almeida - 2023 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 68 (1):e42533.
    Apresento neste ensaio alguns argumentos em defesa de uma proposta de metafilosofia que fornece uma resposta abrangente, formal e metodológica à questão ‘como se faz filosofia?’, tomada como anterior e mais fundamental do que a questão tradicional ‘o que é filosofia?’. Essa proposta se materializa metodologicamente através das ideias de uma poética e uma dramaturgia do fazer filosófico. A poética do fazer filosófico tem a ver com uma reapropriação do trivium clássico na forma de um trivium filosófico, composto por uma (...)
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  20.  30
    A Landmark in the History of Science. [REVIEW]Carlos Eduardo Maldonado & Eduardo Villar Concha - 2020 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):19-25.
    This paper presents and discusses an authentic landmark in the history of science, namely H. v. Foerster’s Cybernetics of Cybernetics, 1974. This is a book rarely known even by many specialists. This paper argues that von Foerster’s book constitutes a unique achievement in the history of science. A thorough presentation is introduced that brings a complete panorama of concepts, problems and approaches.
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  21.  22
    Jet fuel exposure and auditory outcomes in Australian air force personnel.Adrian Fuente, Louise Hickson, Thais C. Morata, Warwick Williams, Asaduzzaman Khan & Eduardo Fuentes-Lopez - 2019 - BMC Public Health 19 (1):675.
    Animal data suggest that jet fuels such as JP-8 are associated with hearing deficits when combined with noise and that the effect is more pronounced than with noise exposure alone. Some studies suggest peripheral dysfunction while others suggest central auditory dysfunction. Human data are limited in this regard. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible chronic adverse effects of JP-8 combined with noise exposure on the peripheral and central auditory systems in humans. Fifty-seven participants who were current (...)
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  22. Julho-agòsto 1966 ano V—n. 5—vol. 8 sumário Eduardo Prado de mendon-ça—a Vida universitária eo.Gilberto de Mello Kujawski, Bre Artes Visuais & Giorgio Del Vecchio—A. - 1967 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 10:2.
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  23.  19
    Eduardo Bello Reguera in memoriam.Gabriel Bello Reguera - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:9-15.
    Palabras en memoria de Eduardo Bello pronunciadas en la sesión inaugural del V Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Académica de Filosofía, celebrado del 2 al 4 de febrero de 2011 en La Laguna (Tenerife).
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  24. As críticas de Silvio Romero a Eduardo Ferreira França: quando a retórica toma o lugar da avaliação imparcial.Paulo Margutti - 2021 - In Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto & Alécio Donizete da Silva, V Colóquio Pensadores Brasileiros: coletânea de textos, 2021. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi.
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  25. A Hierarchy of Classical and Paraconsistent Logics.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio, Federico Pailos & Damian Szmuc - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (1):93-120.
    In this article, we will present a number of technical results concerning Classical Logic, ST and related systems. Our main contribution consists in offering a novel identity criterion for logics in general and, therefore, for Classical Logic. In particular, we will firstly generalize the ST phenomenon, thereby obtaining a recursively defined hierarchy of strict-tolerant systems. Secondly, we will prove that the logics in this hierarchy are progressively more classical, although not entirely classical. We will claim that a logic is to (...)
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  26.  6
    Renesansnyĭ humanizm v Ukraïni: ideï humanizmu epokhy Vidrodz︠h︡enni︠a︡ v ukraïnsʹkiĭ filosofiï XV-pochatku XVII stolitti︠a︡.V. D. Lytvynov - 2000 - Kyïv: Vyd-vo Solomiï Pavlychko "Osnovy".
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  27. Chelovek, nauka, t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ii︠a︡: k semidesi︠a︡tiletii︠u︡ akademika V.S. Stepina.V. S. Stepin & I. T. Kasavin (eds.) - 2004 - Moskva: Kanon+.
  28. Filosofskai︠a︡ praktika v sovremennom mire: vyzovy i otvety.S. V. Borisov - 2019 - Cheli︠a︡binsk: I︠U︡zhno-Uralʹskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet.
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  29. Dialektika istoricheskogo i logicheskogo v razvitii nauki.V. F. Levicheva - 1979 - Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU.
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  30. Nauchnai︠a︡ kartina mira v kulʹture tekhnogennoĭ t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ii.V. S. Stepin - 1994 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t filosofii. Edited by L. F. Kuznet︠s︡ova.
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  31. Nekotorye osobennosti razvitii︠a︡ v obʺektivnom mire.V. I. Sviderskiĭ - 1964 - [Leningrad]: Izd-Vo Leningradskogo Universiteta.
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  32. Chelovechnostʹ i ee osushchestvlenie v istorii: monografii︠a︡.V. I. Tabakov - 1995 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Izd-vo Nizhegorodskogo universiteta.
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  33. Obʺi︠a︡snenie i ponimanie v spet︠s︡ialʹnykh obshchestvennykh naukakh.V. G. Fedotova, V. V. Denisov, N. N. Kozlova & A. A. Ri︠a︡binkina (eds.) - 1989 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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  34. Hromadsʹko-naukovyĭ proekt Dialoh t︠s︡yvilizat︠s︡iĭ--novi prynt︠s︡ypy orhanizat︠s︡iï svitu: materialy Vsesvitnʹoï konferent︠s︡iï, Kyïv, 24 travni︠a︡ 2002 r. = Social and scientific project Dialogue of civilizations--new principles of world organization: materials of the world conference, Kyiv, May 24, 2002.V. M. Chyrkov (ed.) - 2002 - Kyïv: MAUP.
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  35. Metamorfozy artistizma: problema artistizma v russkoĭ kulʹture pervoĭ treti XX veka: sbornik stateĭ.V. K. Kantor (ed.) - 1997 - Moskva: "RIK,".
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  36. Konstruktivnye prot︠s︡essy v matematike: (Filos. aspekt).V. N. Trostnikov - 1975 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  37. ha-Musar ṿeha-yirʼah.Yehonatan Ṿoliner - 1998 - Y-m z.o. Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Meʼor Harim". Edited by Yehonatan Ṿoliner.
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  38. Sefer Yitsro shel adam: otsar balum u-mivḥar ḥidushim u-veʼurim, heʼarot, peninim u-meshalim be-derekh ha-pardes, mi-divre rabotenu ha-geʼonim... baʻale ha-musar: ba-nośe yetser ha-ṭov ṿe-yetser ha-raʻ ṿeha-derakhim ke-hitgaber ʻalaṿ, meluḳaṭim mi-meʼot sifre rabotenu be-tosefet alfe marʼe meḳomot u-mafteḥot meforaṭ.Shimʻon Ṿanunu (ed.) - 2002 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Barukh.
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  39. Amerika v filosofii istorii Gegeli︠a︡ i problema "novoĭ ontologii" Ameriki.V. A. Anishin - 1983 - In Artur Vladimirovich Sagadeev, N. S. Kirabaev & V. A. Anishin, Iz istorii filosofii osvobodivshikhsi︠a︡ stran: sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Moskva: Universitet druzhby narodov.
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    Editorial Introduction: Substructural Logics and Metainferences.Eduardo Barrio & Paul Égré - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (6):1215-1231.
    The concept of _substructural logic_ was originally introduced in relation to limitations of Gentzen’s structural rules of Contraction, Weakening and Exchange. Recent years have witnessed the development of substructural logics also challenging the Tarskian properties of Reflexivity and Transitivity of logical consequence. In this introduction we explain this recent development and two aspects in which it leads to a reassessment of the bounds of classical logic. On the one hand, standard ways of defining the notion of logical consequence in classical (...)
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  41. Filosofskoe issledovanie i filosofskoe obrazovanie: smena paradigm v sovremennoĭ Rossii: materialy Letneĭ filosofskoĭ shkoly "Burmistrovo-2000".V. S. Diev & N. S. Rozov (eds.) - 2000 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet, Filosofskiĭ fakulʹtet.
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  42. Perspektivy filosofii i filosofskogo obrazovanii︠a︡ v XXI veke: materialy letneĭ filosofskoĭ shkoly "Goluboe ozero-2002".V. S. Diev & N. S. Rozov (eds.) - 2002 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  43. Filosofii︠a︡ vekhovstva i modernizm: kritika antigumanizma i ėstetizma v Rossii rubezha XX v.V. N. Dudenkov - 1984 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
  44. Borʹba za realisticheskoe iskusstvo i gumanium v ėstetike SShA.V. N. Ermolaeva - 1979
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    O Medo Como Fonte de Persuasão, Manutenção e Crescimento Dos Neopentecostalismos.Eduardo Simões Martins - 2009 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 1 (2):22-34.
    Este artigo trata da questão da manipulação do ser humano como ser sensório que através dos cinco sentidos é explorado, manipulado e dominado especialmente pelo sentimento do medo nos processos de convencimento, desenvolvimento e manutenção da religião, considerando especialmente a nova onda pentecostal, os Neopentecostalismos brasileiros.
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  46. Relación de objetuidad y de personeidad: Una lectura fenonemológico-antropológica.Eduardo Marazzi - 2000 - Miscellanea Francescana 100 (3-4):679-698.
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  47. Uchrezhdai︠u︡shchai︠a︡ diskursivnostʹ Mikhaila Petrova: Intellektual v interʹere kulʹturnogo kapitala.V. P. Rimskiĭ (ed.) - 2017 - Moskva: "Kanon+".
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    Bifurkat︠s︡ii v religioznoĭ filosofii, estestvoznanii i obshchestvennom razvitii.V. V. Kovalenko - 1994 - Sankt-Peterburg: Gidrometeoizdat.
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  49. Problema "universaliĭ" v fizicheskom poznanii.V. I. Kuznetsov & S. B. Krymskii - 1987 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Russkai︠a︡ tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡ v kurse sovremennoĭ filosofii: uchebnoe posobie.V. V. Makarav (ed.) - 1996 - Volgograd: Volgogradskiĭ gos. tekhn. universitet.
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